Now, let me tell you exactly what happen on 10june. I was at home, alone. Not exactly alone, but with my nephew. He`s 2 years old.
Everyone was at work/school. & my waterbag has been leaking for 2 days.
Leaking, but no pain.
After 2 days, which is on 10 june dhen there`s pain.
Around 4 plus, siap siap dhen go KKH.
Reached there at 5pm.
The moment reached KKH, cannot tahan the pain ready.
The contraction ah, mcm like what like that.
Saket giler! Da smpai, itu nurse bodoh lagy nk tanyer2 question.
Org tga saket beh lmbt2. Bongok~
Dhen da tuh, she bring me go inside the room, check baby heartbeat tuh sumer.
Tinggalkn aku sorang sorang pat situh. Perot saket giler.
Dhen dhen,
After 30 mins or so,
Dier dtg, bring me go labour ward. Ward 30! Haha.
Smpai labour ward je, the pain makin menjadie jadie.
Dhen i baring there mcm budak giler terpekik pekik.
Nurse ask that, ask this. Cocok my hand.
Dhen, my husband arrive.
He arrive, contraction pain jadie MORE pain.
Pekik sane pekik sini. Haha. Funny lah.
The doctor check, baru jer bukak 4cm.
Dhen kene tunggu lagy.
Dhen around 7 plus,
Rase mcm nk terberak! Husband pngl doctor. Doctor check, da bukak 7cm. Means, 3 more cm to go.
Tapi, i da start pushing pushing. Hahaaaaa~ Saket saket.
Nurse siap siap kn the bender all.
Dhen, start lah mem-pushing~
Fuhyoooooooooooh~ Saket taaaaaaaaaaaao.
Da lah saket, suroh pakai gas plak tuh. Mcm nk mampos.
Bile tga push push, doctor masok. Tolak tolak my perot.
Dhen suddenly, baby`s heartbeat dropped.
Ape lagy, doctor amek gunting, dhen sedaaaaaaaaaaaap jer gunting.
Hmmmmm~ Dier da gunting, dhen sekejap jer baby da kluar.
Woah~ Tgk baby, such a relieve die da kluar.
But dhen alamak, kene jahit dah!~
Saket seii si nurse tuh jahit.
Dont know lah bape bnyk jahit. Tapi, nurse tuh kater BANYAK!
Skg pon, da okay siket. But blom fully okay.
&& overall, the experience, not so bad lah.
Bole lah jgak.
&& luckily there`s my elder sis.
If not for her,
There`s noone to mandikn Amirul & all.
Thanks sis. (:
Skg nie pon, my sis tga bwak Amirul gy poly.
Kene amek darah. Check jaundice dier.
Harap harap tk naek lah kan. Im worried nie.
Da lah tk dpt ikot. Hmmm~
Cant wait for him to get home.
My lovely little sweetheart~
At facebook, i`ve uploaded tons of Amirul`s pic. Hahaaa~
I just love taking his pic.
So cute.
12:15 AM
Want know something? Hubby dpt yg 8 to 5. Means, he`ll be coming home. But, not everyday. Only on tuesday, wednesday, thursday & friday. Only on monday he`ll not come home. Bole jgak lah tuh, kn? & yst, he came home. He dint even tell me lor. Nk step surprise jer. Haha. Ingtkn sape je seii alek. Dhen, it was him. Happy i!
& just now morning, pagy pagy dier da kluar.
& dint went fr baby`s checkup at poly. Postpone to tmr. Cause raining.
My mind blank redi leii.
Dont know what to tell redi. Haha.
OH OH! My elder sis nie, tga karaoke. Haha.
& more of Amirul`s pic at facebook.
` My the tempat jahit hor, maseh saket leii.
Nk dudok susah. Hahaaa.
& i miss my husband. lmbat ah die alek. hmmm ~
Okla. Till here jer okay.
Will update more tmr. (:
Labels: baby sleeping so soundly
Monday, June 14, 2010
4:14 PM
Pipi Mcm ADer Fishball~ Hahaa. Yg Ini, Taken Right After The Nurse Cleaned Him.; More At Facebook. TAGS REPLIES TO "UNKNOWNS" ,
My Facebook Is, Wandy Mira. Want Add? Add Lah, Dhen See Hw I Want Accept Anot. Heh.
Im Seventeen This Year.
3:42 PM
My darling Newborn baby. His name is, Muhammad Amirul Azmirwan bin Nur Aznandi. Panjang pe? Haha.
Today`s 15 june, so Amirul is 5 days old.
Born on 10 june 2010. @ 7.50pm
Such a relieve he`s already out. Ilovehim so much, you know.
Too bad husband not home, with me & baby.
Yst morning, bring baby go poly. With my elder sis & hubby.
Dhen, bought some baby stuffs, & hubby acherli wanted to buy Amirul a teddy bear. Hahaa.
Sayannnggggg die pat anak die nie.
After buying all stuffs,
Proceed to lavender, buat birth cert Amirul.
Pastu, go bugis, mkn DONUT! Heh.
Dhen, alek. Hubby get ready, siap2 nk alek camp, & me to my sis`s home.
Sedih tao tgk husband kene alek camp. Hmm~
Now, early in the morning, i wake up redi. It`s 6.53am.
Amirul is in my arms. Sleeping.
&& i miss my husband so much. :(
; More pics of Amirul will be uploaded soon. (:
Friday, June 4, 2010
4:05 AM
Hello darlings.
I know its been awhile since i update my blog. Hees, sorry yaa.
Been busy with stuffs & all.
So basically, im HAPPILY MARRIED.
Im ssssooooo HAPPY! VERY VERY VERY happy.
My sweet darling husband has been good to me.
Well, all this while, he IS good.
&& above, two of the pics frm my wedding.
Want see more, go my facebook kay.
Today`s the 4th of june.
Baby`s coming out soon. Ohhhhh~
So scareed & cannot wait. Heheeeee.
Uhm, my blog, getting more bored.
I knowwww~
& now, i dont know what else to update.
&&&&& OH! My due date, 24th june. (:
Till here je eh.
Tags will be replied SOON.
Tired ready sit longlong. Back pain. -_-